The global B2B healthcare market in ecommerce is exploding in popularity, and will continue to do into the medium term. The CAGR of healthcare ecommerce has been a substantial 32.0% since 2017, and while it has eased back slightly, it will still accelerate by a CAGR of 20.3% until 2027.
As substantial as the opportunity is, however, healthcare is a niche market segment, with a very specific and limited set of potential buyers. This makes things challenging for salespeople in a way that sales reps in mainstream product segments don’t face, including:
In addition to these specific challenges, general B2B sales challenges also apply:
In all of these areas Cloudwerx, leveraging the capabilities of Salesforce Commerce Cloud, can assist sales teams in healthcare to overcome the challenges and really capitalise on the opportunities.
Assisting sales teams achieve those three objectives is where Cloudwerx comes in. Cloudwerx’s unique expertise in using both the Salesforce platform, Mulesoft connectivity and UiPath robotic process automation solutions, combined with our capabilities in delivering human-first solutions opens up a world of possibilities when selling into niche product categories.
By leveraging automation to streamline processes, it’s possible to arrive at a pricing strategy that accounts for the longer sales cycles and larger purchase orders in niche markets. Meanwhile, our ability to trace your processes and really understand how buyers interact with your ecommerce platform allows us to identify the areas for improvement.
In short, we help to ensure that every touchpoint within your organisation is aligned and working towards the same goals and that, at the centre of it, is an ecommerce platform that takes full advantage of every opportunity.
One of the key benefits of Salesforce Commerce Cloud is its composability and headless APIs, which enable organisations to build flexible tools and fully integrate automation into their processes. This flexibility allows for the rapid customisation of sales processes, giving the sales teams the ability to meet the specific requirements of their buyers in real time.
Meanwhile, to assist organisations in addressing the challenge that they face from extreme industry competition, the Salesforce Commerce Cloud offers a solution through intelligent recommendations and merchandising rules.
The power of AI is critical here. Through a data-driven and automated approach to analysing customer behaviour and preferences, Commerce Cloud can assist sales efforts by automatically suggesting relevant products and offerings. The sales and marketing teams need to work together to make sure that the information being presented to clients is of a high quality to assist in the purchasing decision, but Commerce Cloud will make sure that the buyer is seeing the right products for their needs.
As powerful as AI is, in the context of healthcare, it needs to support sales efforts, and not dominate them. As PwC noted in an in-depth study of the new B2B value chain: “The human-centred experience needs to be designed into not only the product or service, but also the interactions and touchpoints between the company’s organisation and its supporting ecosystem. Most of the interactions and customer journeys can be anticipated and designed, with particular attention paid to the moments of truth. Doing so will require the use of data and insights, as well as a method to communicate about interactions and transactions, such as traditional or social media marketing, dealer interactions, website exchanges and customer service. Many of these interactions will need investments in systems and operating model elements and, most important, in training and culture change.
“The foundation of all this is empathy—the ability of an organisation and its people to consistently be aware of the customer’s frame of reference and context, and to anticipate and respond accordingly. Among the more well-known and high-impact examples of empathy in action is GE Healthcare’s redesign of the MRI experience for children after an engineer observed their terror and connected it with the high rate of sedation required. When the overwhelming experience became an adventure, that rate dropped drastically, and customer satisfaction increased by 90%.”
PwC’s findings echo Salesforces’ own, too. As Salesforce notes in How to Drive Efficiencies with an All-in-One approach to ecommerce: “To create a seamless experience and win customer loyalty, businesses need maximum visibility into each phase of the journey — from discovery to delivery.” They need this so that they can understand the human motivations underpinning the buying decisions, and focus their sales process in kind.
“Customers increasingly expect all interactions with an organisation to smoothly tie together — and this includes order management. In fact, 83% of customers say they’re more loyal to companies that provide consistency across departments,” Salesforce notes.
“It’s critical that your order management solution connects with other parts of your business — like commerce, service, sales, and marketing. The right order management solution will consolidate customer and order data to give your teams a single view and help you deliver seamless customer experiences.”
Technology in itself can only support a human-driven approach to sales, however. Interpreting the capabilities of the technology into the kind of personalised and human-centric business outcomes that are critical to successful B2B sales engagement in niche product areas. Cloudwerx, which has been recognised by Salesforce Summit Tier for our capabilities with the technology, is focused on helping you streamline processes and boost efficiency, and to help you bring a human-centric approach to ecommerce.
If you are interested in working with Cloudwerx, please reach out to We offer complimentary consultations, and would love to hear about your business.
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